
Meaning and Usage

"Futtermittel" translates to "animal feed" in English. It refers to any type of food or substance that is given to animals to maintain and promote their health and growth. This term encompasses a wide range of products such as grains, supplements, and forage.

Linguistic Analysis

"Futtermittel" is a compound noun in German, composed of the words "Futter" (feed) and "Mittel" (agent or means). The composition directly reflects the meaning of the word - the means of feeding animals.

Comparisons between German and English

The literal translation of "Futtermittel" to "animal feed" in English directly highlights the similarity between the two languages in terms of the compound structure and the meaning.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, the regulation and production of "Futtermittel" are of high importance due to its impact on animal welfare, food production, and environmental sustainability. There are strict guidelines and regulations governing the production and use of "Futtermittel."

Example Sentences

  1. Die Bauern kaufen qualitativ hochwertige Futtermittel für ihre Tiere.
  2. Der Markt für biologische Futtermittel wächst stetig.

Memory Tips

  • "Futtermittel" can be remembered by linking "Futter" (feed) and "Mittel" (means), emphasizing that it refers to the means of feeding animals.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Futter (feed)
  • Tierfutter (animal feed)
  • Viehfutter (cattle feed)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: neuter (das)
  • Plural: die Futtermittel

Conjugation (for verbs)