
Meaning and Usage

"gegen" is a preposition in German that can be translated to "against," "towards," "around," "about," "opposite," or "in exchange for" in English. It is used to indicate direction, opposition, comparison, or exchange.

Linguistic Analysis

"gegen" does not have a prefix, and it is derived from the Middle High German word "gegen(e)." It has remained relatively unchanged in its meaning and usage over time.

Comparisons between German and English

The preposition "gegen" in German can be translated to various English prepositions such as "against," "towards," "around," "about," "opposite," or "in exchange for," depending on the context.

Cultural Context

In German, "gegen" is commonly used to express physical direction ("towards"), opposition, or comparison. It is an essential preposition to understand and use in everyday communication.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich gehe gegen den Markt. (I'm walking towards the market.)
  2. Er ist gegen diese Entscheidung. (He is against this decision.)
  3. Das Buch kostet gegen 20 Euro. (The book costs about 20 euros.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "gegen," think of its various English translations such as "against," "towards," "around," "about," "opposite," or "in exchange for" depending on the context.

Additional Vocabulary

  • entgegen (towards, contrary to)
  • gegenüber (opposite, across from)
  • abgegen (to hand in, to give away)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)