die Entschuldigung

Meaning and Usage

"Die Entschuldigung" in German means "the apology" or "the excuse". It is used to express regret for something that one has done, to ask for forgiveness, or to excuse oneself from a situation.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Entschuldigung" is a compound noun composed of the prefix "ent-" (which can indicate reversal or removal) and "Schuld" (meaning "guilt" or "debt"). The suffix "-igung" indicates the noun form of the verb "entschuldigen" (to excuse or to apologize). Its etymology comes from the Middle High German word "entschuldicunge".

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Entschuldigung" is similar in meaning to the English word "apology" or "excuse".

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, saying "Entschuldigung" is a common way to apologize or to ask for someone's attention. It is considered polite to use this term when trying to get through a crowded space or when asking someone a question.

Example Sentences

  • Entschuldigung, können Sie mir bitte helfen? (Excuse me, can you please help me?)
  • Ich möchte mich für mein Verhalten entschuldigen. (I would like to apologize for my behavior.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "Entschuldigung", think of the "ent-" prefix indicating reversal or removal, and "Schuld" meaning guilt or debt, which together form the concept of apologizing or excusing oneself.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Entschuldigung - the apology
  • Sich entschuldigen - to apologize
  • Die Ausrede - the excuse
  • Verzeihung - forgiveness

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Die Entschuldigung" is a feminine noun. The plural form is "die Entschuldigungen".

Conjugation (for verbs)

The verb associated with "Entschuldigung" is "sich entschuldigen" (to apologize):

  • Ich entschuldige mich (I apologize)
  • Du entschuldigst dich (You apologize)
  • Er/sie/es entschuldigt sich (He/she/it apologizes)
  • Wir entschuldigen uns (We apologize)
  • Ihr entschuldigt euch (You