
Meaning and Usage

"gleichsetzen" in German means to equate, to identify with, or to compare. It is often used in mathematical contexts when setting two expressions or equations equal to each other. It can also be used in a broader sense when comparing or identifying things.

Linguistic Analysis

"gleichsetzen" is a compound verb, consisting of the root "setzen" (to set) and the prefix "gleich-" (equal). The verb "setzen" comes from the Old High German word "sezzen," and "gleich" comes from the Middle High German "gleich," ultimately derived from the Proto-Germanic *glīkah.

Comparisons between German and English

The German "gleichsetzen" can be translated to "to equate" or "to compare" in English. The structure and usage are similar in both languages.

Cultural Context

In a mathematical context, "gleichsetzen" is a fundamental concept, and it is used extensively in solving equations and inequalities. The precision and accuracy conveyed through mathematical language are highly valued in German education and culture.

Example Sentences

  1. In der Mathematik müssen wir beide Seiten der Gleichung gleichsetzen.
  2. Er hat seinen Erfolg mit Glück gleichgesetzt.
  3. Man sollte nicht Reichtum mit Glück gleichsetzen.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "gleichsetzen," think of the prefix "gleich-" which means "equal" and the verb "setzen" which means "to set" or "to put." This can help you remember that "gleichsetzen" relates to setting two things equal or comparing them.

Additional Vocabulary

  • vergleichen (to compare)
  • identifizieren (to identify)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich setze gleich
  • du setzt gleich
  • er/sie/es setzt gleich
  • wir setzen gleich
  • ihr setzt gleich
  • sie setzen gleich