
Meaning and Usage

"Denen" is the plural form of the German relative pronoun "der/die/das" and is used to refer to plural nouns. It is used to introduce relative clauses, indicating the person or thing being referred to.

Linguistic Analysis

"Denen" is the plural form of the relative pronoun "der/die/das" and is often used in combination with prepositions or in relative clauses. It does not have a separate prefix, root, or suffix, as it is derived from the base form "der/die/das".

Comparisons between German and English

"Denen" is similar to the English relative pronouns "who" or "whom," used to refer to people, and "which" or "that," used to refer to things, but it specifically emphasizes plural nouns.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Kinder, denen ich geholfen habe, sind sehr dankbar. (The children whom I helped are very grateful.)
  2. Die Bücher, denen du zugestimmt hast, sind jetzt im Bücherschrank. (The books which you agreed to are now in the bookshelf.)

Memory Tips

To remember the usage of "denen," you can associate it with the English "whom" or "which," focusing on its plural nature.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Other relative pronouns: der, die, das (singular forms)
  • Similar words: welche (which), welcher (which), welchen (which)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Denen" is used specifically for plural nouns. It does not have a specific gender.

Conjugation (for verbs)

As a pronoun, "denen" does not have a conjugation in the same way that verbs do.