
Meaning and Usage

"Ehemann" in German refers to a husband, the male partner in a marriage. It is used to specifically indicate the male spouse in a marriage relationship.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Ehemann" consists of the prefix "Ehe-" meaning "marriage" and "Mann" meaning "man". The umlaut (the two dots above the letter "e") changes the sound of the vowel in the word. The plural form is "Ehemänner".

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Ehemann" is similar to the English word "husband" in meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the role and significance of the "Ehemann" carry similar connotations as the concept of a husband in other cultures.

Example Sentences

  • Mein Ehemann und ich haben nächste Woche unseren Hochzeitstag. (My husband and I have our anniversary next week.)
  • Sie ist seit fünf Jahren mit ihrem Ehemann verheiratet. (She has been married to her husband for five years.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Ehemann" with the English word "husband" and focus on the prefix "Ehe-" meaning "marriage".

Additional Vocabulary

Related words:

  • Die Ehefrau (feminine form of Ehemann) - wife
  • Die Ehe (feminine noun) - marriage

Gender and Plural

  • Gender: masculine
  • Plural: die Ehemänner


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