
Meaning and Usage

"Dastellen" in German means "to represent" or "to depict." It is used to describe the action of presenting or portraying something in a visual or abstract form.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "darstellen" is a combination of "dar-" and "stellen." The prefix "dar-" can indicate a sense of "out" or "forth," while "stellen" means "to place" or "to stand." The word originated from the Middle High German "dârstellen."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "darstellen" in German can be translated to "to represent" or "to depict" in English. Both languages have similar meanings for this word.

Cultural Context

In the context of art, theater, or any form of visual representation, "darstellen" is commonly used to talk about portraying or depicting characters or scenes.

Example Sentences

  • Sie möchten das Thema in ihrem Gemälde darstellen. (They want to depict the theme in their painting.)
  • Die Schauspielerin kann verschiedene Emotionen sehr gut darstellen. (The actress can portray various emotions very well.)

Memory Tips

Associate "darstellen" with the idea of "presenting" or "depicting" something, as the word itself involves the notion of "out" or "forth" and "placing" or "standing."

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Darstellung (noun, representation)
  • die Abbildung (noun, image)
  • illustrieren (verb, to illustrate)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich stelle dar (I represent/depict)
  • du stellst dar (you represent/depict)
  • er/sie/es stellt dar (he/she/it represents/depicts)
  • wir stellen dar (we represent/depict)
  • ihr stellt dar (you all represent/depict)
  • sie stellen dar (they represent/depict)