das Doppelzimmer

Meaning and Usage

Das Doppelzimmer in German refers to a double room or a twin room, specifically in the context of hotel accommodation. It is a room with two beds for two people.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "das Doppelzimmer" is comprised of the prefix "Doppel-" meaning "double" and "Zimmer" meaning "room." It is a compound noun formed by combining the two words.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Doppelzimmer" directly translates to "double room" or "twin room" in English, reflecting the same meaning and usage in both languages.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, when booking accommodation or staying in a hotel, it's common to encounter the term "das Doppelzimmer" when selecting room types.

Example Sentences

  1. Wir haben ein Doppelzimmer für unseren Aufenthalt im Hotel reserviert. (We have booked a double room for our stay at the hotel.)
  2. Das Doppelzimmer ist für zwei Personen geeignet. (The double room is suitable for two people.)

Memory Tips

To remember "das Doppelzimmer," you can think of the prefix "Doppel-" as in "double" and "Zimmer" as "room," indicating a room for two people.

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Einzelzimmer (single room)
  • das Zweibettzimmer (twin room)
  • das Hotelzimmer (hotel room)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: neuter (das)
  • Plural: die Doppelzimmer

Conjugation (for verbs)