der Koffer

Meaning and Usage

"Der Koffer" in German means "the suitcase" in English. It refers to a piece of luggage used for carrying clothes and other personal belongings during travel.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Koffer" does not have any prefix or suffix. Its etymology can be traced back to the Middle High German word "koffar" and the Old French word "coffre," both meaning "chest" or "trunk."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Koffer" is similar to its English counterpart "suitcase" in both meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, the term "Koffer" is commonly used while traveling or discussing travel plans.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich packe meinen Koffer für den Urlaub. (I'm packing my suitcase for the vacation.)
  2. Sie hat ihren Koffer am Flughafen verloren. (She lost her suitcase at the airport.)

Memory Tips

Associate the word "Koffer" with the image of a suitcase that you pack for travel.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Reisetasche (feminine, plural: die Reisetaschen) - travel bag
  • der Rucksack (masculine, plural: die Rucksäcke) - backpack
  • der Trolley (masculine, plural: die Trolleys) - trolley

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: masculine
  • Plural: die Koffer

Conjugation (for verbs)

Not applicable as "Koffer" is a noun.