
Meaning and Usage

"Wasch" is not a standalone word in German. It might be a misspelling or an incomplete word. If you meant "waschen," it is the German verb for "to wash."

Linguistic Analysis

"Waschen" is an infinitive verb. It doesn't have a prefix or suffix. It comes from the Old High German word "wascan."

Comparisons between German and English

The German verb "waschen" corresponds to the English verb "to wash."

Example Sentences

  1. Ich wasche meine Hände. (I wash my hands.)
  2. Sie wäscht die Kleidung. (She washes the clothes.)

Memory Tips

Associate "waschen" with washing by imagining washing your hands while repeating the German word.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: reinigen (clean), spülen (rinse)
  • Related words: Waschbecken (washbasin), Waschlappen (washcloth)

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich wasche (I wash)
  • Du wäschst (You wash)
  • Er/Sie/Es wäscht (He/She/It washes)
  • Wir waschen (We wash)
  • Ihr wascht (You (plural) wash)
  • Sie waschen (They wash)