
Meaning and Usage

"Beschreiben" means "to describe" in German. It is used to explain or give an account of something in detail, usually by providing characteristics, features, or qualities of a person, object, or situation.

Linguistic Analysis

"Beschreiben" is a combination of the prefix "be-" (indicating thoroughness or completion) and the root "schreiben" (to write). Together, the word conveys the idea of writing or putting something into words in a thorough manner.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "beschreiben" bears resemblance to the English word "describe," both in meaning and structure.

Cultural Context

In German culture, precise and detailed descriptions are valued, whether in literature, art, or everyday communication. Providing clear and vivid descriptions is an important skill in German language and communication.

Example Sentences

  1. Kannst du mir bitte den Weg zum Bahnhof beschreiben? (Can you please describe the way to the train station for me?)
  2. Sie hat das Gemälde sehr eindrucksvoll beschrieben. (She described the painting very impressively.)

Memory Tips

Associate "beschreiben" with the idea of "writing" or "scribing" something thoroughly to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Beschreibung (the description)
  • beschreibend (descriptive)
  • die Schilderung (the portrayal)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich beschreibe (I describe)
  • du beschreibst (you describe)
  • er/sie/es beschreibt (he/she/it describes)
  • wir beschreiben (we describe)
  • ihr beschreibt (you [all] describe)
  • sie beschreiben (they describe)