
Meaning and Usage

“Reden” is a German verb that means “to speak” or “to talk.” It is used to describe the act of speaking, having a conversation, or delivering a speech.

Linguistic Analysis

The infinitive form of the verb is “reden.” It is a regular verb, and it does not take any prefixes in its standard form.

Comparisons between German and English

The German “reden” is similar to the English verbs “to speak” or “to talk.” However, in English, “to speak” often implies a more formal or proficient manner of talking, while “to talk” can be more casual, which is not necessarily a distinction made with “reden.”

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, being able to “gut reden” (speak well) is often appreciated, especially in contexts such as public speaking, debates, and academic discussions.

Example Sentences

• Er redet mit seinem Freund über das Wetter. (He is talking to his friend about the weather.) • Sie redet oft vor großen Gruppen. (She often speaks in front of large groups.) • Wir müssen über dieses Problem reden. (We need to talk about this issue.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of “reden” think of a “radio” where people talk and share information.

Additional Vocabulary

• das Gespräch (the conversation) • sprechen (to speak) • plaudern (to chat) • erzählen (to tell) • die Rede (the speech)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Not applicable for the verb “reden”

Conjugation (for verbs)

Present tense conjugation:

• ich rede (I speak) • du redest (you speak - singular informal) • er/sie/es redet (he/she/it speaks) • wir reden (we speak) • ihr redet (you speak - plural informal) • sie reden (they speak) • Sie reden (you speak - formal)