
Meaning and Usage

"Überweisen" in German means "to transfer" or "to remit". It is commonly used when transferring money from one bank account to another, or when referring to the act of transferring funds or making a payment.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "überweisen" is a compound verb formed by the prefix "über-" (meaning "over" or "across") and the verb "weisen" (meaning "to show" or "to point"). The combination creates the meaning of transferring something from one place to another.

Comparisons between German and English

The German verb "überweisen" can be translated to "to transfer" or "to remit" in English, and both languages use it in the context of moving funds from one place to another.

Cultural Context

In Germany, using bank transfers is a common and popular method of electronic payment. "Überweisen" is a crucial term in this context and is commonly used in banking and financial transactions.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich werde das Geld morgen auf dein Konto überweisen. (I will transfer the money to your account tomorrow.)
  2. Sie hat mir die Rechnung überwiesen. (She transferred the invoice to me.)

Memory Tips

Associate "überweisen" with the concept of "transferring over" or "sending across" to help remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Überweisung (feminine, plural: die Überweisungen) - the transfer (noun)
  • die Banküberweisung - bank transfer
  • der Geldtransfer - money transfer

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich überweise (I transfer)
  • Du überweist (You transfer)
  • Er/sie/es überweist (He/she/it transfers)
  • Wir überweisen (We transfer)
  • Ihr überweist (You transfer - plural)
  • Sie überweisen (They transfer)
  • Sie überweisen (You transfer - formal)