die Kartoffel, -n

Meaning and Usage

"Die Kartoffel" in German means "potato" and is a commonly used word in everyday language, especially when it comes to food and cooking.

Linguistic Analysis

"Die Kartoffel" is a feminine noun with the plural form "die Kartoffeln." The word has its origin in the Italian "tartufolo" and the French "pomme de terre," both meaning "potato."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Kartoffel" has a similar meaning to its English counterpart, "potato."

Cultural Context

Potatoes play a significant role in German cuisine, and various potato dishes are part of the traditional German food culture.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich esse gerne Kartoffeln mit Kräuterbutter. (I like to eat potatoes with herb butter.)
  2. In Deutschland sind Kartoffeln ein beliebtes Grundnahrungsmittel. (In Germany, potatoes are a popular staple food.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Kartoffel" with the English word "cuddle" to remember its meaning. For example, imagine cuddling a potato to link the word with its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Bratkartoffeln (pl.) - fried potatoes
  • die Kartoffelsalat - potato salad
  • die Süßkartoffel - sweet potato

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: feminine
  • Plural: die Kartoffeln

Conjugation (for verbs)