
Meaning and Usage

"Unterschreiben" in German means "to sign" in English. It is used when someone is signing a document, a contract, or any legal paperwork.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "unterschreiben" is a compound verb, comprised of the prefix "unter-" meaning "under" and the verb "schreiben" meaning "to write". Therefore, "unterschreiben" literally translates to "underwrite".

Comparisons between German and English

The English word "to sign" has a similar meaning to "unterschreiben", making it relatively easy to remember and use in German.

Cultural Context

In Germany, signing a document is considered a significant act and is treated with great importance in legal and formal contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie müssen den Vertrag unterschreiben. (You have to sign the contract.)
  2. Er hat das Formular bereits unterschrieben. (He has already signed the form.)

Memory Tips

To remember "unterschreiben," think of the English word "underwrite" which also includes the idea of signing below or "under" something.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Unterschrift (feminine, plural: die Unterschriften) - the signature
  • Der Vertrag (masculine, plural: die Verträge) - the contract
  • Das Formular (neuter, plural: die Formulare) - the form

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich unterschreibe (I sign)
  • Du unterschreibst (You sign)
  • Er/sie/es unterschreibt (He/she/it signs)
  • Wir unterschreiben (We sign)
  • Ihr unterschreibt (You sign)
  • Sie unterschreiben (They sign)