
Meaning and Usage

"Schon" is an adverb in German that can have several meanings. It is often used to indicate "already" in relation to an action that has happened before the expected time. Additionally, it can mean "yet" when used in questions or negative sentences. "Schon" can also convey a sense of "certainly" or "indeed" in affirming statements. It is a versatile word in German and is used in various contexts.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "schon" does not have a distinct prefix, root, or suffix. Its usage and meaning are intrinsic to the word itself. In Old High German, the word "schon" originally meant "beautiful," but its modern usage has evolved to convey various meanings.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "schon" is often translated as "already" in English, but its usage can also include the meanings of "yet" and "certainly," which makes it a bit more versatile than its English counterparts.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the use of "schon" reflects the value placed on punctuality and efficiency. The concept of having already completed something before the expected time is evident in the German language through the use of "schon."

Example Sentences

  • Ich habe schon gegessen. (I have already eaten.)
  • Bist du schon angekommen? (Have you arrived yet?)
  • Das ist schon richtig. (That is indeed correct.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "schon," associate it with the sense of completion or certainty, as in "already" or "indeed."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Bereits (already)
  • Noch (yet/still)
  • Sicherlich (certainly/for sure)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)