
Meaning and Usage

"Bezahlen" means to pay for something. It is used when referring to making a payment or settling a bill for goods or services.

Linguistic Analysis

"Bezahlen" is a regular verb in German. It is formed from the prefix "be-" and the root "zahlen," which means "to pay." The verb follows regular conjugation patterns.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "bezahlen" translates to "to pay" in English. Both words share the same meaning and are used in similar contexts.

Cultural Context

In Germany, cash is widely used for payments, especially for smaller transactions. However, the use of credit and debit cards is becoming increasingly popular, particularly in urban areas and among younger generations.

Example Sentences

  • Ich muss die Rechnung bezahlen. (I have to pay the bill.)
  • Kann ich mit Kreditkarte bezahlen? (Can I pay with a credit card?)

Memory Tips

Associate "bezahlen" with the English word "pay" and remember that when in a German-speaking country, you will often hear or use this word when dealing with transactions.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Zahlung (payment)
  • Der Betrag (amount)
  • Die Quittung (receipt)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich bezahle (I pay)
  • Du bezahlst (You pay)
  • Er/Sie/Es bezahlt (He/She/It pays)
  • Wir bezahlen (We pay)
  • Ihr bezahlt (You pay - plural)
  • Sie bezahlen (They pay)