
Meaning and Usage

"Spalte" in German translates to "column" in English and is commonly used to refer to a vertical section in a table, spreadsheet, or any structured arrangement of data. It can also denote a gap, crevice, or crack.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Spalte" consists of the prefix "spalt-" and the suffix "-e," with the root "spalt" coming from the verb "spalten," meaning "to split" or "to divide." The word has Middle High German origins.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "column" in English can refer to a vertical architectural support or a printed article in a newspaper or magazine, while "Spalte" exclusively denotes a vertical section in a tabular or structured layout.

Cultural Context

In the context of data organization or tabular arrangements, "Spalte" is a common term used in German business, academic, and technical settings.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Tabelle hat fünf Spalten und vier Zeilen.
  2. Es gibt eine Spalte in der Mauer, durch die man das Licht sehen kann.

Memory Tips

Associate "Spalte" with "split" to remember its meaning in the context of dividing data into columns.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: Säule (column, pillar), Kolumne (column, editorial)
  • Related Words: spalten (to split), Tabelle (table)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine Plural: die Spalten

Conjugation (for verbs)