
Meaning and Usage

"Dürfen" in German means "to be allowed to" or "may." It is used to express permission or prohibition.

Linguistic Analysis

"Dürfen" is an modal verb in German. It has no prefix and its root, "dürf-," comes from the Old High German word "thurfan," meaning "to dare." It is conjugated irregularly.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "dürfen" corresponds to the English words "to be allowed to" and "may."

Cultural Context

In German culture, following rules and regulations is of high importance, so the use of "dürfen" to express permission or prohibition is common in everyday interactions.

Example Sentences

  • Ich darf heute ins Kino gehen. (I am allowed to go to the cinema today.)
  • Du darfst nicht vergessen, deine Hausaufgaben zu machen. (You must not forget to do your homework.)

Memory Tips

  • Think of "dürfen" as "DARE-fen," connecting it to the idea of being allowed to do something.
  • Remember that "dürfen" represents permission, just like the English word "may."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Erlauben (to allow)
  • Verboten (prohibited)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich darf (I am allowed)
  • Du darfst (You are allowed)
  • Er/sie/es darf (He/she/it is allowed)
  • Wir dürfen (We are allowed)
  • Ihr dürft (You are allowed - plural)
  • Sie dürfen (They/You are allowed - formal)