
Meaning and Usage

The German word "bitten" means "to ask" or "to request." It is commonly used to express the action of asking someone for something or making a request.

Linguistic Analysis

"Bitten" is an infinitive form of the verb. It belongs to the verb class of strong irregular verbs. The past participle is "gebeten."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "bitten" has similarities with the English word "to bid" in the sense of making a request.

Cultural Context

In German culture, politeness and respect are important, so "bitten" is commonly used when making polite requests.

Example Sentences

  • Kannst du mir helfen, bitte? (Can you help me, please?)
  • Ich habe ihn gebeten, früher zu kommen. (I asked him to come earlier.)

Memory Tips

Associate "bitten" with the English word "bid," which can help in remembering its meaning of making a request.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Bitte (the request)
  • fordern (to demand)
  • anfragen (to inquire)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

As "bitten" is a verb, it does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich bitte (I ask)
  • du bittest (you ask)
  • er/sie/es bittet (he/she/it asks)
  • wir bitten (we ask)
  • ihr bittet (you ask)
  • sie bitten (they ask)