
Meaning and Usage

"tut" is the third person singular present form of the German verb "tun," which has various meanings including "to do," "to act," or "to put." It is used in different contexts to express actions or to emphasize a point.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "tut" is the third person singular present form of the irregular verb "tun." It is derived from the Old High German word "tun," which has its roots in the Proto-Germanic word "*tuną." It is conjugated as follows: ich tue, du tust, er/sie/es tut, wir tun, ihr tut, sie tun.

Comparisons between German and English

The German verb "tut" correlates to the English verb "does," as in "he does" or "she does."

Example Sentences

  1. Es tut mir leid. (I'm sorry.)
  2. Was tut sie gerade? (What is she doing right now?)

Memory Tips

Associate "tut" with the English verb "does" and remember its meaning as "to do" or "to act."

Conjugation (for verbs)

ich tue, du tust, er/sie/es tut, wir tun, ihr tut, sie tun