
Meaning and Usage

"Wasser" translates to "water" in English. It refers to the clear, odorless, and tasteless liquid essential for life.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Wasser" is a singular noun and does not contain any prefix, root, or suffix. Its origins can be traced back to Old High German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Wasser" is similar to the English word "water" both in meaning and usage.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich trinke gerne kaltes Wasser. (I like to drink cold water.)
  2. Das Wasser in diesem See ist sehr klar. (The water in this lake is very clear.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Wasser" with "water" in English to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: das Trinkwasser (drinking water), das Leitungswasser (tap water), das Mineralwasser (mineral water)

Gender: neuter Plural: (no plural form as it is an uncountable noun)