
Meaning and Usage

"Diejenigen" is a demonstrative pronoun in German that translates to "those" or "the ones." It is used to refer to specific people or things that have been mentioned previously or are known to the speaker and listener.

Linguistic Analysis

"Diejenigen" is a compound word consisting of the definite article "die" (the) and the indefinite pronoun "jenigen" (those). "Jenigen" is derived from the base "jen-" meaning "that" or "those." It is inflected according to gender, number, and case.

Comparisons between German and English

The equivalent of "diejenigen" in English is "those" or "the ones." Both languages use demonstrative pronouns to point out specific people or things.

Cultural Context

The use of "diejenigen" is common in everyday German language and is an essential part of communication when referring back to something previously mentioned or known to all parties involved in the conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. Diejenigen, die früh kommen, bekommen die besten Plätze. (Those who come early get the best seats.)
  2. Ich habe diejenigen Bücher gekauft, die du empfohlen hast. (I bought the books that you recommended.)

Memory Tips

Associate "diejenigen" with the English phrase "those again," to remember that it refers to specific people or things previously mentioned.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: jene, diese, jener (those)
  • Antonyms: keine (none), keiner (none)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

As a demonstrative pronoun, "diejenigen" does not have a gender or plural form. It adapts to match the gender, number, and case of the noun it refers to.

Conjugation (for verbs)