
Meaning and Usage

"Darauf" is a German adverb used to indicate "on it," "on that," "to it," "on this," or "to this," depending on the context. It is commonly used to refer to something previously mentioned or something physically located.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "darauf" is a combination of "da" meaning "there" or "on" and "auf" meaning "on" or "to." When combined, "darauf" specifically refers to the direction "on it" or "to it."

Comparisons between German and English

The usage of "darauf" is similar to the English "on it" or "to it," but it can be more versatile in German as it can refer to both physical and abstract things.

Cultural Context

In German conversations, "darauf" is commonly used to refer back to a specific topic or item, much like the English expression "upon that."

Example Sentences

  1. Sie hat ein Buch gekauft und freut sich darauf, es zu lesen. (She bought a book and is looking forward to reading it.)
  2. Ich habe schon lange darauf gewartet, dass er sich bei mir meldet. (I have been waiting for him to contact me for a long time.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "darauf," consider the phrase "looking forward TO it" or "waiting ON it," to recall its usage when referring to something specific.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Daraufhin: subsequently, as a result
  • Darauf achten: to pay attention to
  • Hinauf: upward or up there
  • Hinunter: downward or down there

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)