
Meaning and Usage

"Steigen" in German means "to climb" or "to rise." It is commonly used to describe the action of ascending or increasing in level or quantity.

Linguistic Analysis

"Steigen" is a verb in its infinitive form. It does not contain any prefixes or suffixes. The word originates from the Middle High German word "steigen," which has the same meaning.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "steigen" has the same meaning as the English word "to climb." Both words are used to indicate the action of moving upward.

Cultural Context

In German, "steigen" can be used in various contexts, from climbing a mountain to an increase in a statistical figure. It is an essential word when describing physical or metaphorical upward movement.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Sonne steigt über den Bergen auf. (The sun is rising above the mountains.)
  2. Die Temperaturen steigen im Sommer oft über 30 Grad. (Temperatures often rise above 30 degrees in the summer.)

Memory Tips

Associate "steigen" with the action of climbing or rising. Create mental images of someone climbing a ladder or an increase in numbers to help remember the meaning of the word.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Der Aufstieg (the ascent)
  • Klettern (to climb)
  • Ansteigen (to go up/increase)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich steige (I climb)
  • du steigst (you climb)
  • er/sie/es steigt (he/she/it climbs)
  • wir steigen (we climb)
  • ihr steigt (you (pl.) climb)
  • sie steigen (they climb)