das Schwimmbad

Meaning and Usage

"Das Schwimmbad" in German refers to a swimming pool, a place for recreational swimming and other water-based activities.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Schwimmbad" is a compound noun, composed of the noun "das Schwimmen" (swimming) and "das Bad" (bath). The word "Schwimmen" comes from the verb "schwimmen" (to swim) and "Bad" comes from "baden" (to bathe).

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Schwimmbad" can be directly translated to "swimming pool" in English, with "Schwimmen" corresponding to "swimming" and "Bad" to "bath."

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, especially during the warmer months, "das Schwimmbad" holds a significant place in leisure activities. Many cities and towns have public Schwimmbäder, and swimming is a popular pastime for both recreation and physical fitness.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Schwimmbad ist im Sommer sehr beliebt. (The swimming pool is very popular in summer.)
  2. Wir gehen heute Nachmittag ins Schwimmbad. (We're going to the swimming pool this afternoon.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Schwimmbad" with the English words "swim" and "bath" to remember that it refers to a place to swim.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words:

  • der Pool (the pool)
  • das Freibad (the outdoor pool)
  • das Hallenbad (the indoor pool)

Gender and Plural

Gender: das (neutral) Plural: die Schwimmbäder


N/A (das Schwimmbad is a noun, so it does not have a conjugation.)