
Meaning and Usage

"Politik" in German refers to politics, the art and science of government, and the affairs or activities associated with the governance of a country or area. It encompasses the activities, actions, and policies used to gain and hold power in a government or to influence the policy of a government.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Politik" is a noun in German. It does not have any prefixes or suffixes, and its etymology can be traced back to the Greek word "politikos," meaning "of, for, or relating to citizens."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Politik" is similar to the English word "politics" in both meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In Germany, "Politik" holds significant cultural importance due to the country's democratic system and active participation in international politics and diplomacy.

Example Sentences

  1. Die deutsche Politik ist von vielen Parteien geprägt. (German politics is shaped by many parties.)
  2. Sie interessiert sich sehr für internationale Politik. (She is very interested in international politics.)

Memory Tips

To remember the word "Politik," you can associate it with the English word "politics" and the idea of governing and influencing policies in a society.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Politiker (politicians)
  • die Regierung (government)
  • die Partei (party)
  • die Demokratie (democracy)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Politik" is a feminine noun, and its plural form is "die Politiken."

Conjugation (for verbs)

N/A - "Politik" is a noun and does not have a verb form.