
Meaning and Usage

"Stein" in German means "stone" or "rock." It is used to refer to a solid mineral material, often found in nature.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Stein" is a noun and does not have any prefix or suffix. It has ancient Germanic roots and can be traced back to the Old High German word "stein."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Stein" in German is similar to the English word "stone" in both meaning and appearance.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "Bierstein" (beer stein) is a traditional beer mug often made of stoneware.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Stein liegt im Garten. (The stone is in the garden.)
  2. Wir haben den Fluss über die Steine überquert. (We crossed the river over the rocks.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Stein" with the English word "stone" to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • der Fels (the cliff/rock)
  • der Kieselstein (the pebble)
  • der Edelstein (the gemstone)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: masculine
  • Plural: die Steine

Conjugation (for verbs)