der Ausflug

Meaning and Usage

Der Ausflug translates to "the trip" or "the outing" in English. It refers to a short journey or excursion, often taken for leisure or recreation.

Linguistic Analysis

"Der Ausflug" is a compound noun in German, consisting of the prefix "aus-" meaning "out" and the noun "der Flug" meaning "flight." Together, they form the word "der Ausflug," indicating a journey out or an outing.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "der Ausflug" corresponds to the English word "the trip" or "the outing." Both languages use this word to refer to a short journey or excursion.

Cultural Context

Taking "der Ausflug" is a popular leisure activity in German-speaking countries, especially during weekends and holidays. It often involves visiting parks, countryside, or cultural sites.

Example Sentences

  • Wir planen einen Ausflug in die Berge. (We are planning a trip to the mountains.)
  • Gestern haben wir einen Ausflug in das Schloss gemacht. (Yesterday, we went on an outing to the castle.)

Memory Tips

Associate "der Ausflug" with a trip out for leisure, as the prefix "aus-" can be linked to "out," reminding you that it refers to an outing.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Reise (the journey)
  • der Trip (the trip)
  • die Exkursion (the excursion)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: masculine
  • Plural: die Ausflüge

Conjugation (for verbs)