
Meaning and Usage

"Winter" refers to the coldest season of the year, typically characterized by cold temperatures, snow, and shorter days. It is commonly used to describe the period between December and February in the Northern Hemisphere.

Linguistic Analysis

"Winter" in German is "Winter." As in English, it does not have any prefixes, roots, or suffixes and has its origin in Old High German and Middle High German.

Comparisons between German and English

Both the English and German words for "winter" are very similar, making it easy to remember for English speakers learning German.

Cultural Context

In Germany, the winter season is associated with Christmas markets, skiing, and other winter sports. The holiday season is often a festive time with various traditions and celebrations.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Winter in Deutschland kann sehr kalt sein. (The winter in Germany can be very cold.)
  2. Im Winter fahren viele Leute Ski. (Many people go skiing in winter.)

Memory Tips

Think of the similarity between the English and German words for "winter" to help remember its meaning in both languages.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Schnee (snow)
  • Kalt (cold)
  • Weihnachten (Christmas)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Noun: der Winter (masculine) Plural: die Winter

Conjugation (for verbs)