die Ordnung

Meaning and Usage

"Die Ordnung" in German means "order" or "tidiness" and refers to the state of being well-organized or arranged. It can also denote a set of rules or regulations.

Linguistic Analysis

"Die Ordnung" is a feminine noun. It has no prefix or suffix. The word originates from the Middle High German word "ordnung" and the Old High German word "ordnung," both with the same meaning.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Ordnung" directly translates to "order" in English, representing the same concept.

Cultural Context

Germans are known for their appreciation of "Ordnung" in various aspects of life, from the orderly way they conduct business to their well-kept homes and public spaces.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Ordnung in meinem Zimmer ist wichtig. (The order in my room is important.)
  2. In diesem Unternehmen herrscht immer Ordnung. (There is always order in this company.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Ordnung" with the idea of tidiness and organization to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Sauberkeit (cleanliness)
  • Das Chaos (chaos)
  • Die Regel (rule)

Gender and Plural

Gender: feminine Plural: die Ordnungen


Not applicable as "Ordnung" is a noun, not a verb.