
Meaning and Usage

"Gehalten" is the past participle form of the German verb "halten," which means "to hold" or "to stop." It is used to indicate that something has been held or stopped in the past.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "geh-" is the past participle prefix, and "-en" is the suffix. The root of the word is "halt," which means "hold." The etymology of "halten" can be traced back to the Old High German word "haltan."

Comparisons between German and English

The English counterpart of "gehalten" is "held," which also serves as the past participle form of "to hold." Both words have similar meanings and are used in comparable contexts.

Cultural Context

The concept of holding or stopping is universal, so the usage of "gehalten" does not have specific cultural connotations. However, understanding how to use the word in various contexts can enhance communication in German-speaking cultures.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie hat die Tür für mich gehalten. (She held the door for me.)
  2. Ich habe den Zug vergeblich gehalten. (I tried to catch the train to no avail.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "gehalten," think of the English word "held" and associate it with the past action of holding or stopping something.

Additional Vocabulary

  • halten (verb) - to hold, to stop
  • das Halten (noun) - the act of holding or stopping
  • festhalten (verb) - to hold on to, to grasp
  • zurückhalten (verb) - to hold back, to restrain

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"N/A" since "gehalten" is the past participle form of a verb.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich halte (I hold)
  • du hältst (you hold)
  • er/sie/es hält (he/she/it holds)
  • wir halten (we hold)
  • ihr haltet (you hold)
  • sie halten (they hold)