
Meaning and Usage

"Schlagen" in German means "to hit" or "to beat." It is used to describe actions such as striking, hitting, or beating something or someone.

Linguistic Analysis

"Schlagen" is an irregular verb in German. It is conjugated as follows:

  • Ich schlage (I hit)
  • Du schlägst (You hit)
  • Er/sie/es schlägt (He/she/it hits)
  • Wir schlagen (We hit)
  • Ihr schlagt (You (plural) hit)
  • Sie schlagen (They hit)

Comparisons between German and English

The English verb "to hit" is a close equivalent to "schlagen," both in meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

The verb "schlagen" can be used in various contexts, such as in sports (hitting a ball), cooking (beating eggs), or in negative contexts related to violence. It's essential to use the verb appropriately in different situations.

Example Sentences

  1. Er schlägt den Ball mit dem Schläger.
  2. Sie schlägt das Ei in die Schüssel.
  3. Der Dieb hat den Mann geschlagen.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "schlagen," you can associate it with the action of hitting something, whether it's a ball, an egg, or unfortunately, a person in negative contexts.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Der Schlag (the hit/strike)
  • Die Schlägerei (the fight/scuffle)
  • Schlagen (noun) - the act of hitting
  • Prügeln (to brawl)
  • Hämmern (to hammer)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich schlage
  • Du schlägst
  • Er/sie/es schlägt
  • Wir schlagen
  • Ihr schlagt
  • Sie schlagen