
Meaning and Usage

"Enden" is a verb in German, meaning "to end" or "to finish". It is used to indicate the conclusion or termination of something.

Linguistic Analysis

"Enden" is the base form of the verb, and it does not contain any prefix or suffix. It is derived from the Old High German "endon" and is related to the English word "end".

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "enden" has a clear correspondence with the English word "end" both in meaning and in its linguistic roots.

Cultural Context

Understanding how to use "enden" appropriately is essential in everyday German conversations, as it is a frequently used verb.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Film endet um 22 Uhr. (The movie ends at 10 p.m.)
  2. Die Vorlesung endete früher als erwartet. (The lecture ended earlier than expected.)

Memory Tips

Associate "enden" with the English word "end" to help remember its meaning. You can also think of the phrase "Es endet" (It ends) to reinforce its usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Ende (noun) - the end
  • beenden (verb) - to finish or to complete
  • abschließen (verb) - to conclude or to finalize

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich ende (I end)
  • du endest (you end)
  • er/sie/es endet (he/she/it ends)
  • wir enden (we end)
  • ihrendet (you end)
  • sie/Sie enden (they/you end)