
Meaning and Usage

"Temperatur" in German refers to the measure of the warmth or coldness of an object or the atmosphere. It is commonly used when discussing weather, cooking, scientific experiments, or general temperature checks.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Temperatur" is a noun in German. It is derived from the Latin word "temperatura," which means "mixture" or "tempering."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Temperatur" in German is similar in meaning and usage to its English counterpart "temperature."

Cultural Context

Germans are known for their focus on precision and accuracy, and this extends to the measurement and discussion of temperature. Weather and temperature-related discussions are common in everyday life and are an integral part of the culture, especially when planning activities or dressing appropriately.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Temperatur heute beträgt 25 Grad Celsius.
  2. Bitte prüfen Sie die Temperatur des Wassers, bevor Sie die Hefe hinzufügen.
  3. In diesem Labor wird die Temperatur streng kontrolliert.

Memory Tips

Associate the word "Temperatur" with the English word "temperature" and recall situations where you would use this word, such as checking the weather or cooking.

Additional Vocabulary

  • kalt (cold)
  • warm (warm)
  • messen (to measure)
  • Grad (degree)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine Plural: die Temperaturen

Conjugation (for verbs)