der Gast

Meaning and Usage

"Der Gast" in German means "the guest" in English. It refers to a person who is invited to a place, such as a home, hotel, or event, and is treated with hospitality.

Linguistic Analysis

"Der Gast" is a masculine noun in the nominative case. It has the plural form "die Gäste." The word has its origin in the Middle High German and Old High German word "gast," which has the same meaning.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Gast" in German is similar to the English word "guest" in both meaning and pronunciation.

Cultural Context

In German culture, hospitality toward guests is highly valued, and being a good host is considered important. Inviting guests over for meals or coffee is a common practice in German-speaking countries.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Gäste sind schon angekommen. (The guests have already arrived.)
  2. Wir haben viele Gäste eingeladen. (We have invited many guests.)

Memory Tips

Associate "der Gast" with the English word "guest" and think of the similarities between the two words to help remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Einladung (f) - invitation
  • der Besucher - visitor
  • die Gastfreundschaft - hospitality

Gender and Plural

  • Masculine noun (der); Plural: die Gäste


Not applicable, as "der Gast" is a noun.