
Meaning and Usage

"Bieten" means "to offer" or "to provide" in German. It is commonly used when someone is offering something to someone else, such as a service, help, or an item for sale.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "bieten" is a verb in German. It is an inflected verb, and its infinitive form is "bieten." It does not have a prefix or suffix. The word is derived from the Old High German "bieten," which means "to offer."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "bieten" is similar to the English word "to bid" in terms of its meaning, as both are used to express the act of offering something to someone else.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, the concept of offering or providing something is considered polite and integral to good manners. The word "bieten" is often used in various social and professional settings to convey offers and opportunities.

Example Sentences

  1. Er bot mir ein Getränk an. (He offered me a drink.)
  2. Das Hotel bietet einen herrlichen Blick auf den See. (The hotel offers a magnificent view of the lake.)

Memory Tips

Associate "bieten" with "to bid" in English, as both words express the act of offering something to someone else.

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Angebot (the offer)
  • anbieten (to offer)
  • die Bereitstellung (the provision)
  • die Offerte (the bid)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich biete (I offer)
  • du bietest (you offer)
  • er/sie/es bietet (he/she/it offers)
  • wir bieten (we offer)
  • ihr bietet (you offer)
  • sie bieten (they offer)