
Meaning and Usage

"Rest" in German translates to "Ruhe" or "Erholung" and can refer to a break, relaxation, or peace. It can also mean the remainder or the rest of something.

Linguistic Analysis

"Rest" is a noun in German. There is no prefix or suffix. The word "Rest" comes from the Middle High German "rest," meaning 'what is left' or 'remainder.'

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Rest" in German has a similar meaning to its English counterpart. Both languages use this word to refer to the remainder, peace, or relaxation.

Cultural Context

In German culture, taking "Ruhe" (rest/peace) is highly valued. There is a strong emphasis on work-life balance and the importance of taking breaks and vacations for mental and physical well-being.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie braucht etwas Ruhe. (She needs some rest.)
  2. Der Rest der Kuchen ist für dich. (The rest of the cake is for you.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Ruhe" with the English word "rest," and remember it as a break for relaxation or the remainder of something.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Ruhe (peace)
  • Erholung (recreation)
  • Pause (break)
  • übrig (leftover)

Gender and Plural

"Rest" is masculine in German. The plural form is "die Reste."
