
Meaning and Usage

"mehreren" is the third person plural form of the verb "mehren," which means "to increase" or "to multiply" in English. It is used to indicate that something is increasing or multiplying in quantity or number.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "mehreren" is derived from the verb "mehren." It is formed by adding the third person plural ending "-en" to the verb stem "mehr-." The root of the word is "mehr" which means "more" or "increased."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "mehreren" is similar to the English word "increasing" or "multiplying" in its function as the third person plural form of the verb "to increase."

Example Sentences

  1. Die Anzahl der Besucher hat sich in den letzten Jahren mehreren. ( The number of visitors has increased in the last few years.)
  2. Die Kosten mehreren sich mit jedem zusätzlichen Feature. ( The costs multiply with each additional feature.)

Memory Tips

Associate "mehreren" with the idea of "increasing" or "multiplying" to remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • steigern (to increase)
  • vervielfachen (to multiply)
  • zunehmen (to grow)

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich mehre (I increase)
  • du mehrst (you increase)
  • er/sie/es mehrt (he/she/it increases)
  • wir mehren (we increase)
  • ihr mehrt (you increase)
  • sie mehren (they increase)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)