das Hähnchen

Meaning and Usage

Das Hähnchen in German refers to a young chicken or a small, tender chicken, often used for cooking. It can also colloquially refer to a small chicken, especially when used in the context of food.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Hähnchen" is a diminutive form of "Hahn," which means rooster or cock in German. The suffix -chen is added to indicate a small or diminutive version of the word.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Hähnchen" in German is similar to the English word "chicken," but it specifically refers to a young chicken or small chicken, often used for cooking.

Cultural Context

In German cuisine, "Hähnchen" is a popular ingredient in various traditional dishes, such as "Brathähnchen" (roast chicken) and "Hähnchenschnitzel" (chicken schnitzel).

Example Sentences

  1. Ich habe gestern ein leckeres Hähnchen gegessen. (Yesterday, I ate a delicious chicken.)
  2. Für das Abendessen machen wir heute gebratenes Hähnchen. (For dinner, we are cooking roasted chicken today.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "Hähnchen," you can visualize a small, tender chicken or associate it with popular German chicken dishes like "Brathähnchen."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Henne (f) - the hen
  • Das Geflügel - the poultry
  • Das Chicken - the chicken (in English, used in German as well)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: Das (neuter)
  • Plural: die Hähnchen

Conjugation (for verbs)

Since "Hähnchen" is a noun, there is no verb conjugation.