
Meaning and Usage

"Mitkommen" is a German verb that means "to come along" or "to come with." It is used to invite or encourage someone to join in an activity or to accompany someone to a place.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "mitkommen" is a compound verb, consisting of the prefix "mit-" (meaning "with") and the verb "kommen" (meaning "to come"). It follows the regular conjugation pattern of the verb "kommen."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "mitkommen" is similar to the English phrase "to come along" or "to come with," indicating the idea of accompanying someone to a place or activity.

Cultural Context

In German culture, inviting someone to "mitkommen" is a common way to include others in an activity or to encourage them to join in an event or outing.

Example Sentences

  1. Kommst du mit zum Konzert? (Are you coming with to the concert?)
  2. Sie möchte nicht mitkommen. (She does not want to come along.)
  3. Ich komme auch mit! (I will come along too!)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "mitkommen," think of the phrase "come with" or "come along" in English, as they convey the same idea of accompanying someone.

Additional Vocabulary

  • begleiten (to accompany)
  • teilnehmen (to participate)
  • kommen (to come)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich komme mit (I come along)
  • Du kommst mit (You come along)
  • Er/sie/es kommt mit (He/she/it comes along)
  • Wir kommen mit (We come along)
  • Ihr kommt mit (You come along, plural)
  • Sie kommen mit (They come along)