
Meaning and Usage

Anruf means "call" in the sense of a phone call. It is used to refer to the act of making or receiving a call.

Linguistic Analysis

Anruf is a compound noun, consisting of the prefix an- (meaning "on" or "to") and Ruf (meaning "call"). Its etymology can be traced back to Middle High German and Old High German.

Comparisons between German and English

The German Anruf corresponds to the English word "call" in the context of a phone call, indicating a similarity in usage.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich erwarte einen wichtigen Anruf. (I am expecting an important call.)
  2. Er hat einen Anruf von seinem Chef erhalten. (He received a call from his boss.)

Memory Tips

Associate the prefix an- with the act of making a call "to" someone, and Ruf with the call itself.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Telefonanruf (phone call)
  • Rückruf (call back)