
Meaning and Usage

"Dann" means "then" in German, used to indicate a subsequent action or a sequence of events.

Linguistic Analysis

"Dann" is an adverb in German.

Comparisons between German and English

"Dann" corresponds to the English word "then" when indicating a sequence of events or actions.

Cultural Context

Understanding the usage of "dann" is integral for expressing temporal relationships, logical consequences, or narrative structures within various cultural contexts in the German language.

Example Sentences

  1. Geh zuerst einkaufen, dann zum Arzt. (First go shopping, then to the doctor.)
  2. Wir treffen uns dann dort. (We will meet there then.)

Memory Tips

Connect "dann" with the English word "then" to reinforce its meaning and usage in temporal contexts.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: danach (afterwards), damals (at that time)