der Familienstand

Meaning and Usage

"Der Familienstand" translates to "marital status" in English. It refers to the state of being single, married, divorced, or widowed. It is commonly used in official forms, surveys, and legal documents to inquire about a person's marital status.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Familienstand" is a compound noun in German, formed by the combination of "Familie" (family) and "Stand" (state, status). There is no prefix or suffix in this word.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Familienstand" is similar in meaning and usage to the English term "marital status", both referring to the status of a person in terms of their family and marriage.

Cultural Context

In Germany, "Familienstand" is often a required piece of information in many official documents and forms. It is also a common topic of discussion when getting to know someone in a personal or professional context.

Example Sentences

  • Mein Familienstand ist ledig. (My marital status is single.)
  • Bitte geben Sie Ihren Familienstand an. (Please state your marital status.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "der Familienstand", you can associate "Familien" with "family" and "Stand" with "status", linking it to the concept of one's marital status within a family context.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Verheiratet (married)
  • Geschieden (divorced)
  • Verwitwet (widowed)
  • Ledig (single)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

The word "Familienstand" is masculine. Its plural form is "die Familienstände".

Conjugation (for verbs)