
Meaning and Usage

"Empfangen" in German means "to receive" or "to welcome." It is used to indicate the action of receiving something or someone, such as receiving a package or welcoming guests.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "empfangen" is a verb and belongs to the group of regular verbs in German. It is formed from the prefix "emp-" and the root "fangen," which means "to catch." The prefix "emp-" is often used to indicate a motion towards the speaker or to emphasize the completion of an action.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "empfangen" shares the meaning of "to receive" with its English counterpart. However, the prefix "emp-" in German does not have a direct equivalent in English.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "empfangen" is used in various contexts, from receiving guests at home to receiving important information or signals.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich habe dein Paket empfangen. (I received your package.)
  2. Sie empfing ihre Gäste herzlich. (She welcomed her guests warmly.)

Memory Tips

Associate "empfangen" with the idea of "catching" or "receiving" something, emphasizing the completion of the action with the prefix "emp-."

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Begrüßung (f) / die Aufnahme (f) - greeting / reception
  • erhalten - to receive
  • begrüßen - to welcome
  • abfangen - to intercept

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Since "empfangen" is a verb, it does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich empfange (I receive)
  • du empfängst (you receive)
  • er/sie/es empfängt (he/she/it receives)
  • wir empfangen (we receive)
  • ihr empfangt (you receive)
  • sie empfangen (they receive)