die Flasche, -n

Meaning and Usage

"Die Flasche" in German translates to "bottle" in English. It refers to a container typically used for storing liquids such as water, soda, or wine.

Linguistic Analysis

"Die Flasche" is a feminine noun (die) and its plural form is "die Flaschen". The word does not have any specific prefix or suffix. Its etymology traces back to Middle High German and Old High German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Flasche" has a similar meaning and usage as the English word "bottle" and can be easily associated with it.

Cultural Context

In Germany, the Pfand system, where consumers pay a deposit on each bottle they purchase, is a common practice to encourage recycling. This cultural practice reflects the importance of sustainability and environmental awareness.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Flasche Wasser ist halb leer. (The bottle of water is half empty.)
  2. Bitte den Wein in die Flasche gießen. (Please pour the wine into the bottle.)

Memory Tips

Associate "die Flasche" with a bottle by visualizing the word in the context of storing liquids.

Additional Vocabulary

  • der Deckel (lid)
  • der Inhalt (contents)
  • die Plastikflasche (plastic bottle)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: feminine (die)
  • Plural: die Flaschen

Conjugation (for verbs)