
Meaning and Usage

"Liste" in German means "list" in English. It refers to a series of items written down, printed, or recorded, usually following a particular order or sequence.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Liste" is a noun in German and does not have any prefix, root, or suffix. Its origin can be traced back to the Middle High German and Old High German word "liste," which means "band" or "strip."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Liste" has a straightforward translation to "list" in English, and both words are used in similar contexts.

Cultural Context

In German culture, lists are commonly used in various contexts, such as grocery shopping, to-do lists, and event planning.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Liste der Gewinner wird bald veröffentlicht. (The list of winners will be published soon.)
  2. Vergiss nicht, eine Liste zu machen, bevor wir einkaufen gehen. (Don't forget to make a list before we go shopping.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Liste" with the English word "list" and visualize writing down items in a list to help remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: Verzeichnis (directory), Aufstellung (listing)
  • Antonyms: Unordnung (disorder), Chaos (chaos)
  • Related words: listig (sly, cunning), listig (sly, cunning)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine Plural: Listen

Conjugation (for verbs)