
Meaning and Usage

"Mehr" translates to "more" in English and is used to indicate a greater quantity, additional items, or an increase in a particular attribute.

Linguistic Analysis

"Mehr" is an adverb and can also function as an adjective. It is a fundamental word for expressing comparisons, quantities, and intensifications in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "mehr" in German has a direct translation in English as "more," used in similar contexts to indicate a larger quantity or an increase in something.

Cultural Context

Understanding "mehr" is crucial for expressions of comparison, desires for additional quantities, and the communication of preferences and choices in German.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich möchte mehr Zeit mit dir verbringen. (I want to spend more time with you.)
  2. Haben Sie noch mehr Kaffee? (Do you have more coffee?)

Memory Tips

Remember "mehr" as the German equivalent of "more" in English, and pay attention to its usage in comparative and quantitative contexts.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: weniger (less), am meisten (the most), die Erhöhung (the increase), die Menge (the quantity)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)