
Meaning and Usage

"Wilden" is the infinitive form of the verb "wildern," which means "to poach" or "to raid." It is used to describe the illegal hunting or capturing of animals or the plundering of resources.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "wilden" is the infinitive form of the verb, derived from the adjective "wild." It is a regular verb in German and follows the standard conjugation pattern for regular verbs.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "wilden" is similar to the English verb "to wilden," which is not a standard English word. The concept is expressed in English through other verbs like "poach" or "plunder."

Cultural Context

The word "wilden" is used in the context of hunting and poaching, which can have legal and ethical implications in many cultures.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Wilderer haben im Naturschutzgebiet gejagt. (The poachers hunted in the nature reserve.)
  2. Sie wildern illegal in diesem Wald. (They are poaching illegally in this forest.)

Memory Tips

Associate "wilden" with the act of illegal hunting or plundering, linking it to the adjective "wild" and the concept of wild animals being hunted illegally.

Additional Vocabulary

  • der Wilderer (m) - the poacher
  • das Wild (n) - the game (animals hunted for sport or food)
  • die Wilderei - poaching

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich wildere - I poach
  • du wilderst - you poach
  • er/sie/es wildert - he/she/it poaches
  • wir wildern - we poach
  • ihr wildert - you (plural) poach
  • sie wildern - they poach