
Meaning and Usage

"Muster" in German can refer to a variety of meanings, including "pattern," "sample," "model," "show," or "display." It can also be used as a verb to mean "to muster" or "to assemble." The context will determine its exact translation.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Muster" is a noun and can also be used as a verb. It doesn't contain any prefixes or suffixes. Its etymology can be traced back to the Middle High German word "muster," meaning "exemplary."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "muster" shares similar meanings in both German and English, such as "sample" or "pattern," making it relatively straightforward for English speakers to understand its usage.

Cultural Context

In a military context, "Muster" can also refer to a military formation or the process of assembling troops for review or inspection.

Example Sentences

  1. Das ist ein schönes Muster für Vorhänge. (That is a nice pattern for curtains.)
  2. Die Armee muss sich für die Parade mustern. (The army has to muster for the parade.)

Memory Tips

Think of "Muster" as a "sample" or "pattern" that you are mustering together for use.

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Beispiel (example)
  • die Vorlage (template)
  • zeigen (to show)
  • die Formation (formation)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Das Muster" (neuter), plural: "die Muster"

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich mustere (I muster)
  • du musterst (you muster)
  • er/sie/es mustert (he/she/it musters)
  • wir mustern (we muster)
  • ihr mustert (you all muster)
  • sie mustern (they muster)